Sunday 4 March 2018

Success Story: Kristie

Kristie has turned her life around and is now 1-year migraine free! I’m so excited to share her story with you all. Don’t forget to check out her Instagram HopeVsHeadaches page too. She is one inspiring lady!

“Hi, my name is Kristie and five years ago I was travelling the world as an air hostess living the dream. This was until I became bed bound with back to back chronic migraines that ruined my life. As a result, I lost my job and I thought my life was over.

Initially, I tried all the traditional migraine medications, preventatives and treatments possible. You name it, I had tried it from nerve blocks, botox injections, beta blockers, trigger point injections and more, unfortunately with no success.

My turning point came when I was told at an appointment "you will just have to learn to live with the pain". Not a chance I told myself.

So, from that day onwards, everything changed.

I started with adopting a completely new mindset, one that was initially taught to me by the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Here I learnt about the law of attraction and what you think about most you attract. So, from here, I changed my thoughts and as a result, my world began to change.

I then become a student of self-taking every single opportunity to educate myself on all areas of health and healing.

I read countless books, learnt to meditate and visualise a healthy future for myself daily, re-evaluated my beliefs around healing, taught myself about nutrition and how to use food as medicine through adopting a clean whole foods plant-based diet, learnt to love myself exactly where I was, prioritized self-care practices and simply tried to find more balance in my life in order to let my body heal naturally.

Through patience, a positive mindset and the courage to step outside of my comfort zone I am now pleased to say that I am now 1 year completely migraine free!

By taking my health back into my own hands everything changed.

And do you want to know what the funny thing is? Pharmaceutical and western medicine had nothing to do with it so it proves that YOU have the power to get well all by yourself.

As a result of my new passion for all things health, I qualified as a Health Coach at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition so I am now able to coach, guide and help others begin their own healing journey too. I now have a new life with more passion and purpose than I ever imagined was possible.

I really hope my story inspires you and next time a doctor tells you that "migraine is a neurological disorder with no cure", don't believe them. It can be done. YOU CAN DO IT!”



  1. Well you describe it, you are absolutely right. Incredibly you describe it, it is very nice to read it.I really like what you describe, it's very nice to read this.
